My Ode to President Donald J. Trump

The sun is setting outside my window, the sweet and strong orange cast will soon be replaced by the darkness of a long and cold winters night. My beloved President Trump, strong like the sunshine at noon and with skin of an orangish hue, is also fading away. I don’t mock at his skin tone, in fact I embraced it and I understood it. See, we all for the most part try our best to disguise our worst. For example, you will always find my hair pushed up into an Elaine from Seinfield like bump in the front. Why? Because I am trying my best to give the illusion of volume and disguise both a flat head and flat hair. So I don’t fault President Trump for trying his best to look vital and healthy with a fake tan and disguise his older age.

I remember the day my church played the video of President Trump wearing a casual white button down shirt and speaking to the nation to encourage us as he fought Coronavirus. Instead of trying to invoke fear and a feeling of hopelessness, he instead gave us hope and told us not to fear! I can not help but compare this to the constant fear mongering of Biden. Who in his own words warned of a, “long dark winter” That day as Trump spoke, tears welled up in my eyes and spilled down my face. I was so moved by Trumps encouragement despite him being sick. But despite how our media constantly tries to brainwash this country into believing Trump is a monster, incapable of feeling, guilty of every horrible thing- I don’t believe it. I never have and I never will.

I am certain Trump has fears. How can he not? He is under constant attack on every front. You as the reader are entitled as to what you think of him. In my opinion the reason the world hates him is because Trump is for the things of God and for country. And he isn’t for the coming global new world order.

I could go on and on about that last sentence alone. But for the sake of time, I won’t. In a nation that wants to make little children pick their own gender and in a world where we want to call one another by pronouns, a President who stands for old fashioned values, is not going to stand. He will be torn down by the media, by comedians, by Hollywood, etc. etc. And to the world he was ridiculous, a thing to be hated and mocked.

But my God is great and He uses things despised by this world to confound those who think they are so wise. God used Trump for so many good things… He used him to bring peace treaties in the middle east, he stepped over the North Korean border like a boss, he relocated the U.S Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he helped lessen regulations on small businesses and revived our economy, he got rid of the awful Obama mandate that forced the working class to pay up to $700 if they didn’t have health insurance.

I could go on.

As far as the Capitol Hill riots, it was no baseless conspiracy theory that lead Trump to say what he said that fateful day, nor was it the case of him being a giant sore loser as the media would have us to believe. There were many voting irregularities if you watch the trials. Rudy Gillani had them posted on his Youtube page at one point. I will always believe President Trump is our rightful President. His rallies alone were an example of how much support he has from the every day American Patriot.

But like a great king of old, he was stabbed in the back-betrayed and forcefully removed from his rightful throne. And wherever there are thrones, there are sure to be power hungry villains- or as we call them these days- the democratic party.

At the end of the day, my prayer is that all of this pain and heartache will humble Trump’s heart to turn to a King who can not and will not ever be overthrown-King Jesus! The traits I so admire in Trump-courage, self-sacrifice, wanting the best for the country, humor, intelligence- are all still flawed with sin and at best a reminder that we are all made in the image of God.

Jesus holds all of these traits yet without flaw.

As we head into a new administration that seems more Communist every day, I am again reminded our hope was never in a man-as the scripture says man is but a fading thing- Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be… Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow… Parts of Isaiah.

Our hope was never to be in President Trump. However I will always be grateful for his great sacrifice to try an turn this country around and it was an amazing experience to see a man who was truly for the people and who didn’t just care about lining his pockets. God Bless you President Trump! I sure will miss you.

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