Jesus Saves! But from what??

“We have not dreamt our religion, it has not come to us as a vision of the night, but when we were fully awake, we saw Christ’s glory.” Charles Spurgeon

I believe that the testimonies of souls who have been truly born again are as vast and unique as fingerprints, no two can be the same!

But what does it even mean to be born again??

Jesus says: Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again he can not see the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Part of John 3.

There are many millions of people professing to be “Christian” yet- they have not been born again.

When one comes to an end of themselves and chooses to believe that:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

When you chose by faith to believe that Jesus has indeed died for your sins… when God mercifully opens your eyes to the fact that you are a sinner in need of salvation…

God shows you that your wages of sin owe a debt that you can never pay off- no matter how ‘good’ or nice a person you may be…

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23. The wages of our sins are a thousands little deaths in this life and finally a second and eternal death, damnation to hell.

But we think, my way is a good way, I haven’t killed anyone, I give to charity, I”m for social justice, I take care of the enviroment, etc… etc…

We all like sheep have gone astray; we have turned-every one-to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

And there is a way that seems right to a man, but it’s end leads to death. Proverbs 14:12

When by the grace of God, we hear the Gospel which is the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus and believe and repent of our sins- then we are born again.

“A Christian testimony is given when Christians relate how we came to know the God of the Bible through the moving of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.” Got

For example, Jesus has saved me! But from what?? The list is so long that I will only mention a few…

A hatred of authority, a life of depression , confusion, with no true sense of purpose, sexual immorality, bondage to men (I believed I could not live without the love of a man) unforgiveness towards those who had wounded me, bitterness and envy towards certain people I viewed as having it better then me-be it looks or other circumstances, the darkness of eastern religion-the occult, witchcraft… there is so much more but the biggest to me is being saved from a life without knowing the one and only true God of this universe!

In all of this misery- I was deceived. My ‘way’ seem right to me. I considered myself a very ‘spiritual’ person, a woke person if you will. But this ‘wokeness’ was a counterfeit of what it means to be truly born again.

When you become born again you come to understand and believe without a doubt the words of Jesus:

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye you will be made alive by the Holy Spirit of God and you will see your way that seems, ‘good’ for what it is- it is a way without and against God.

So we become saved.

Saved from a life apart from God, saved from the chains that bind and blind us, saved from eternal death-

We put our faith and trust in God who can be trusted.

God is not human, that he should lie, not being a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19

As for God, his way is perfect. The word of God is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him. Psalm 18:30

And the heavens proclaim his righteousness, for he is a God of justice. Psalm 50:6

The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. Psalm 116:5

Will you chose to believe in Jesus today? He is waiting with open arms and the adventure of a life time. It won’t be a life without pain and sacrifice

but it will be a life of the testimony of His steadfast love and faithfulness…

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand… part of Isaiah 41:10

… For he has said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. part of Hebrew 13:5

“Being born again by the Spirit of God is the great miracle, the greatest display of the glory of God ever.” Spurgeon. The picture of me below- a wild, rebellious party girl, who thought she was ‘woke’ but was truly lost and hurting- vegan at the time because I wanted to follow the compassion taught in Buddhism, ( I still appreciate vegan food but it won’t solve ones search for peace( thinking that Buddist compassion would bring me some kind of peace , ever searching for meaning and wisdom in eastern religion and finding none. The picture of water- the freshness of beauty of a life lived for Christ.

Jesus Saves! But from what??

Stand Off At the Greyhound Station

When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7

Best believe, in the City of Brotherly love, people are ready for a fight.

After I finished up a job this afternoon, I decided to walk to Center City to the Greyhound station and find out just how to get to Ocean City, NJ. Surely, the people at customer service will have the answer I thought, putting my headphones in and turning in the direction of City Hall.

The station was dirty and downtrodden as ever but I felt hopeful! It will be worth the walk, I thought approaching customer service. I watched as the two attendants at the desk were of no help to the girl in front of me. They vaguely told her to go out the door and make a right. We all watched as she walked out the door and promptly made a left- to which the attendants doubled over laughing.

“Yeah, don’t follow her!!” the male attendant said still laughing.

My turn… “Hi guys, can you tell me how to get to Ocean City, NJ?”

“Nah…” the girl said as my mouth fell open in surprise.

Was she serious???

“We can’t help ya, but ya need to go out and make a left to the N.J transit person, he’s wearing a stripped vest.” The guy piped in.

The only person in a stripped vest was a bus driver with his legs kicked up over some seats on a bus, fast asleep.

Suddenly, a homeless woman shrieked and a one winged pigeon took to the sky as I made the lonesome trek across the asphalt desert to the what looked like an abandon N.J transit ‘help’ booth.

There was a woman sitting inside the glass booth who didn’t look happy at my approach.

“Hello, can you please help me find out information of how to get to Ocean City, NJ?” I asked through the glass.She said something back to which I couldn’t hear at all because there was absolutely no intercom or anything. The only thing I could hear was the sound of the daggers from her eyes piercing my skin with white hot annoyance.

She kept pointing to N.J transit ticket machines. So I meander over to the machines and stand next to a man as clueless as me. We ponder aloud our many choices… “Avalon, Wild wood, Atlantic City…” Yet, we are so very far away still from having any idea of how to work the machines.

So I do it.

I dare.

I walk back over to the woman behind the booth and knock on the glass again “Can you please help us? I don’t know how to work the machines and it’s your job to help….”

With those last words, the woman comes flying out of the booth. The doors on the booth literally bang against the wall and keep on swinging.

“SO YOU”RE TELLING ME WHAT MY JOB IS NOW???” the woman asks stepping close to my face. As sweat puddles into my bra and down my back from the afternoon heat, as a ball of old weave hair blows softly across my sandaled toes like so much tumbleweed, I feel a strange combination of calm and wanting to step to this woman so clearly in the wrong…

The old me… She would have probably have taken a swing but

Something is happening…

God, intervenes and invisibly turns this woman’s hard heart soft.

I don’t have to fight. God will fight my battles for me.

In the blink of eye. That’s my Jesus!

“You’re supposed to help…” I say again.

To my surprise, she heads to the machines and tries with all her might to help me.

Just like that. We are both pushing at buttons together.

We ponder- Is Wild wood near to Ocean City?? We shrug our shoulders and go back to pushing buttons. I scribble down a help line phone number on the machine and as I go to leave, I turn and smile at the woman and she gives me a smile back. We are old friends now. Been through our ups, been through some downs.

“Remember, those buses only run a few times a day okay? So don’t miss it!” She calls after me.

I sit down at a bench and call the number and get all my answers, just like that.

It turns out, I won’t even need to come to the Greyhound station after all. It seems that whole situation was just a reminder not to take offense at an angry and hostile world. Even if people are rude, ticking time bombs- it’s up to us to walk in the Spirit and carefully dismantle the bombs with the wisdom of God and find the beauty in people. I believe in that moment, I wasn’t even all that meek but God gave me the grace to quickly forgive the woman rather then fighting her or storming off.

I believe God took over the situation because He is merciful and ever caring for His children.

Best believe, a dry dusty, crusty city of angry souls can be turned into an oasis of refreshing love if Jesus is present.

“I keep a close watch on this heart of mine, I keep my eyes wide open all the time…” Johnny Cash

No False Alarm

I had finally arrived at the beautiful, Oceans Hotel in Atlantic City! A friend of a friend who had got me the room, helped me find my way to my room and by the time I had unpacked my luggage it was nearly 10:00 pm.

Feeling up for a late night adventure, I decided to put on my pajamas and take the elevator down to the lobby floor where the restaurants are located and order some food.

No sooner had I stepped into the elevator, when a very loud alarm went off.

“All guests must evacuate the building at this time, do not take the elevator, repeat evacuate the builiding, do not take the elevator .” A robotic voice echoed over and over.

My heart sunk in fear.

I was 20 floors up and already in an elevator.

Was this little two day vacation down the shore to be my demise??

Suddenly to my surprise, the elevator door opened to a group of very drunk people getting in.

“Do you guys know what’s going on?” I asked.

“No idea…” one of the men in the group replied shrugging his shoulder a taking a deep sip of the cocktail in his hand.

I shrugged back as if to share in their confusion and stepped out, not into the lobby but the massive casino floor!

The alarm was not only loud but it cast an eerie blue light over the entire floor. Despite all of this, people still sat unmoved at the slot machines, arms moving the levers up and down without pause.

I turn back to the elevator and decided to take my chances and get back in. But not before I hear a group of elderly ladies debating about the elevator.

“We better not get in!” one of them pipes up.

Wise ladies, I think as the elevator door shuts on me again. This time I make sure I press the one labeled: ‘Lobby’

The door opens and this time I see a security guard standing not far off.

Surely, he will know what is going on!

“Yeah, don’t ask me, I just started my shift…” the security guard said shrugging his shoulders. I wasn’t sure how to take his lack of alarm at the alarm??

Most of the hotel guests were wandering around in flip flops looking as confused as I was.

I made my way to the front desk and finally got my answer.

“It’s a false alarm.” The girl working the desk said with assurance.

With that, I decided not worry about it anymore. I trusted her authority on the the matter.

And even though the alarm was still going off, I ordered my meal in peace.

I can not help but think of this experience in spiritual terms.

According to the Scriptures we are born into this world spiritually dead: And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumsion of your flesh, God made alive together with him… part of Colossians 2:13

We are born wandering around this world estranged from God our Father. We are wandering around on various floors of the hotel of life so to speak.

Some of may be stuck on the ‘good moral people’ floor. This floor is full of people who might not feel any need for repentance or God’s forgiveness because they do ‘good works’ and because they consider themselves good by their own standards.

But the truth is: none of us will be judged by our own standards. We will all be judged some day by a Holy God’s standards: And I saw the dead, great, and small, standing before the throne and the books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. Revelation 20:12

Also there are many false religion floors in this hotel of life but there is only one truth as offensive as that may be…

Jesus says: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me. John 14:6

Also in this hotel are those trapped at the slot machine of their own personal bondage. Although they don’t want to, their sin keeps them pulling down that lever again and again: For when you were slaves of sin… part of Romans 6:20 The Scripture warns that our sins, while may be pleasant for a time will at last wrap around us in awful chains, seemingly impossible to break.

But Jesus came to break chains! So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

There are so many scriptures regarding God breaking chains and bondage! I encourage anyone reading this to get a good old fashioned concordance and do a word study on those two words.

At any rate, the time is short! Our days are all numbered and death is not a false alarm, it is inevitable.

I encourage anyone reading this to take the time to consult the front desk of this hotel of life- The Bible.

The Bible is the authority given us by God that we might know the truth from lies. That we might heed the alarm and take refuge in the one and only Savior- The Lord Jesus Christ.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:1

The Day a One Sided Gospel Went Flying

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:

Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. Galatians 1: 6-7

As it so often happens this blog was inspired as I walked home through the city today. I was listening to the Kari Jobe song ‘Healer’

A few lines from the song…

“You hold my every moment

You calm my raging seas

You walk with me through fire

And you heal all my disease

I trust in you, I trust in you…”

As I offered up a few weakly prayers to God for my own healing, I noticed 3 men standing across from City Hall, surrounded by a large group of young boys on bikes. One of the men was holding a large sign that read in large print groups of people headed to hell. Another man was speaking through a bull horn and another held a Bible. It was surreal to see all the turmoil taking place as ‘Healer’ played in my ears.

Curious, I took out my earbuds out and crossed the street to join the onlookers to hear what was being preached.

From a distance, I could see the pavement absolutely covered in tracts and paper gospels of John everywhere, the trees behind the men were haphazardly littered with placards with scriptures on them and I soon found out why.

A little boy stood toe to toe with the man holding the sign of hellbound people.

“Where are your parents??!” The man asked accusingly to the boy.

There was no sign of Christian love on this man’s face.

I only saw hatred and disgust.

“Repent!!!” The call went out from the bullhorn to a crowd being stirred up into a frenzy of animosity.

One little boy in particular lunged at the man with the sign knocking it to the ground and the other boys began to scream and curse at the men.

The nanny in me, the born again believer in me-wanted to make a difference in that moment.

I reached out and gently tapped the little boy’s shoulder, “What’s your name?” I asked the boy

“My name is Samage…” the boy said gripping his bike and breaking away from me.

I watched as he went towards the man again, this time, he had picked up his bike to throw it at the man.

“Samage, don’t do that! You’re a good boy!” I called. Much to my surprise he paused and gave me a nod.

Our eyes met and in that moment my heart overflowed with compassion.

Would he do the right thing?

Samage continued to lead the assault after all with the crew of boys closing in on the men. A bike went flying, a grown man stepped to the man who had held the sign and pushed him so hard-he and another man had to retreat. Another fist full of tracts and gospels went flying through the air.

Only one of the men remained and he was holding a Bible. I felt compassion for him too, even though I really believe those men where preaching a gospel devoid of grace.

“This isn’t the way…” I said to him. I noticed he had a deep pink welp on his neck where one of the boys had thrown a scripture placard at his neck.

” I’m a born again believer and I just want to say, you guys can’t come down here and preach the gospel and leave out the love of God…” I said to the one man left standing.

Before we could have a conversation another wave of chaos errupted as the two other guys made their way back.

During all of this, two onlookers stood against the rails, arms crossed- watching the whole thing go down.

Finally, one of them spoke.

“You guys provoked those boys! If you told me, my parents were going hell- I would have beat the sh@!% out of too!” One of the men said, arms still crossed.

“Yeah, what the hell??” Asked the other onlooker guy.

This was one sad scene, I thought to myself, and bent to pick up some of the gospels of John.

Where the gospel goes out-balanced with both love and the truth of the need for one to repent from sins, there is healing! Sure there may be persecution but in this case-those men were beating people over the head with the gospel.

If leave out love and grace-you are preaching another gospel and that only brings destruction.

I know this from personal experience having been in a one person cult. I was left devoid of the grace and love of God and this person used guilt, fear and manipulation of the scriptures.

In fact, this person turned my cell phone into a weapon against my mind. I received texts and phone calls day and night saying God’s wrath was on me, I was causing this person to bleed, I was full of demons, I was put out of the church, God was through with me… My cell-phone was a gateway to a living nightmare and to this day- I struggle with fears associated to phone calls and texts.

This counterfeit gospel left me with no hope.

And although this was nearly 7 years ago, just recently I have been struggling with new after effects.

Leaving the chaos behind, I bent down and picked up a handful of gospels of John, intending to maybe hand them out on my walk home.

My Pastor has always said Christians ought to be winsome and I wholeheartedly agree! For that’s where the healing can begin.

If people feel loved, they are more likely to listen. But even more important, as true born again Christians, we ought not to try and make people feel loved- we ought to pray to God to give us true love and sincere love for people.

We are never to purposely provoke people with our faith and I believe that was what I witnessed today across from city hall.

God heals us so we can go out and be healing agents.

And I truly believe God is working to heal me from the left over trauma of being trapped in another gospel. Jesus will see me through…

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. Isaiah 43:2

When I’m 91

Lost in my thoughts, heavy in heart, and listening to Tom Yorke’s epic vocals on Radiohead’s the Bends album I almost walked right by the little old struggling lady.

But thankfully I saw her out of the corner of my eye struggling with a metal grocery cart. Stuck in a deep dirty puddle of water and pulling at her cart in vain, even her black face mask, couldn’t cover the disapointment all over her face.

I could relate.

I quickly reached out my hands, one hand I placed in her small one and the the other I placed on the cart and gave a gentle pull.

But it wasn’t gentle enough for her! She gave a surprised little yelp as her and the cart were pulled safely by me to the sidewalk. It wasn’t as though they went sailing through the air but I guess it was a bit startling for her!

Perhaps, she will be glad for my kindness…

“I hope you are okay when you are 91!” She said glaring hard at me.

I wasn’t even offended and couldn’t help but blurt out, “God bless you! You have seen so much!” She thought for a moment and finally me a cool nod and turned back to her shopping cart.

“Can I help you home? It’s no problem.” I said meaning it.

“No, I ‘m fine from here.”

“Okay,” I said feeling reluctant as she struggled to push the cart.

I put my earbuds back in and continued on to my errands but then…

I quickly fished through my backpack and pulled out one of my Ray Comfort, ‘How not to be Afraid of Death’ tracts and turned back to her.

“Miss!!” I called holding out the tract to her.

“Will, you please read this?”

The woman looked at me like I was nuts but she decided to take it from my hand.

“Yes.” Was all she said and continued to head home.

What did it all mean??

I interpreted the incident to be confirmation that I need to be work on being mindful of people’s frailties while at the same time appreciative of the gifts they are in my life.

There are times in life when the ones we love may in weakness or sickness. They will be figuratively stuck in a puddle pulling in vain at a shopping cart. Their strength not the same as it once was. They may only have so much to give.

In those moments, they need understanding and the lending of our strength. And even if they aren’t able to give a glowing review of our efforts, even if they aren’t all rainbows and starshine- it doesn’t mean we withdraw our love and starshine.

Maybe our role in this life is more then anything to be an encouragement, a lightness to counter someone’s heaviness?

But maybe we lose sight…

It seems so easy to forget how precious people are and only focus on the negative.

Will I be okay when I am 91??

If I stay with Jesus, take my chastenments with humility and I remember my role to be salt and light…. I think-


yes I will okay.


Short Stories #1 and 2!

I love to write! 🙂 

But unfortunately sitting down to work on writing is usually last on my list. I hope to change this by trying to write every week day using a little dollar store book of writing prompts given to me as a gift. The prompts include a theme to write on and about 10 words the writer must weave into their story.

For fun I will include the 10 words I must use and the theme for each story. 

The thing about short stories and writing in general is trimming the fat and getting to the point in an engaging way. The less words the better! At least that according to such classics as: ‘On Writing Well’ by: Willam Zinsser and New York’s acclaimed Gotham Writers’ Workshop. 

So I present my attempts at using as few words as possible to hopefully tell engaging stories…

Story #1- Theme: A Family Mystery Uncovered

Words to use: Sunday, secret, wallpaper, swap, sister, curiosity, island, notebook, marathon, demand


 It was a Sunday when I discovered a sister in the wall of our attic. 

I can’t call her 

‘my’ sister because I don’t know her, not yet.

Sundays my mom and I almost always have breakfast together. She will ask me what I liked best about the sermon, long dainty fingers, rapping softly on her coffee mug as she waits for my answer. It’s one of the few times I feel close to her. 

 She doesn’t mind my many piercings, dyed jet black hair that falls over my right eye, or how I smear black eyeliner under my eyes on purpose. 

 In fact, I wonder if she even notices I become more gothic every passing year…

This Sunday, I share that I loved how Jesus forgives the bad things we do. We were challenged to imagine being stuck on an island with our worst enemy. 

What would be the first thing we would need to do in order to survive together?

Well, we would have to forgive… My Pastor had said in a matter of fact way and I supposed he was right.

 It seemed to me Jesus was much kinder than the church people. I wondered if they knew how to forgive? 

 Church people smiled at me as if they had just stubbed their toes.  

My mom is young and frail, her large blue eyes are full of sadness most of the time. On Sundays like clockwork, she disappears into her bedroom for a nap and somehow reappears an hour later looking more tired and pale than when she went in.

I guess my mom is queen of the goths. 

Naturally gloomy and mysterious. No makeup needed. 

Sunday afternoon, again like clockwork, her cruel mother comes by for a  visit. My grandmother, Pat, who I have to call Pat not granny or grandma. Pat likes to make my mom feel even worse if that is possible.  If a hard pinch had a face, it would be Pat’s. 

 I wondered if Jesus could forgive someone as mean as Pat?

I could see her scowling at Jesus, she would demand no less of him.

That afternoon, I waited until I was sure my mom was in her room and quietly made my way to the attic stairs which were located on the second floor.

I slowly made my way up, heart pounding, legs shaking.  At the top of the attic stairs, straight ahead under the wooden rafters was a narrow crawl space that led to several large cupboards. Next to the cupboards was the floral wallpaper, the one I had read about in my mother’s journal the day before.

For fourteen years, I have grown up in a house of whispers and secrets. My mom bursting into tears at random has been a normal thing for me as long as I can remember. 

“You’re so depressing Kimberly, just like your father…” Pat said to my mom last Sunday.

It had become my life mission to know.

To know why my mom was so depressed.

More than anything, I wanted to comfort her and make her feel better. As a little girl I picked her flowers and made her cards to help her and now as a teenager I would investigate on her behalf-what lies hidden in the attic.

Sometimes I make her a painting and she tries to find room on her bedroom wall for another. 

But it wasn’t just about helping her.

I didn’t want to have a weak and depressed mom anymore.

 The other mom’s I knew seemed to be strong with happy eyes and pink cheeks. I would see them out around town, looking pretty and vibrant-while my own mom seemed sad, pale, and beaten.

I spied the floral wallpaper and began to carefully peel it away. But careful peeling changed to ripping. I wasn’t surprised at the hot tears burning my eyes.

“All I have left of your memory, sweet daughter, Samantha, are the few pictures I took of you and these old journal entries… I will always regret giving you away. For you took a piece of my soul that I will never get back. To give into my mother’s demands was to give you a new life and forever hurt my own. I’m so sorry Sam. You are a sweet baby, I will always love you… I will keep your memory in the attic where the flowers grow.

 Love, Mommy.

For the last year, I have been sneaking into her closet and searching her many journals. There are stacks and stacks of journals going years back. Finally, last Friday, I found that entry.  All of my searching had paid off. My stomach flipped when I read it. 

How could she have hid this from me? I had a sister named Samantha?

I ripped and ripped the wallpaper, until a leather bound notebook fell out of the wall and into my lap.

Inside the pages, pictures of a little baby! Journal entries of the babies weight, a picture of a young smiling couple… Were they my sisters adopted parents?

The summer heat in the attic was stifling, my heart pounded, was I going to pass out?  I grabbed the journal and ran downstairs, a marathon runner at the start of a race, the finish line was me saying I knew… 

I was ready to swap secrets for answers.

I threw open her bedroom door and she sat up with a start, eyes wide and panicked.

“You don’t have to hide Samantha from me anymore! I know, mommy, I know, I know… you had a little baby.

I forgive you mom, just please, no more…  I began to cry.  No more hiding, no more being depressed and no more crying okay?”  I managed to say this as I watched her rise from her bed like a ghost.

“I forgive you mommy…”

She walked towards me slowly at first and then she was there by my side, embracing me with all her might. 

Suddenly, she felt strong.

“I would have called her Sam for short…” she said stroking my hair. Her usually tired voice now sounded sure.

“Mom, you have to forgive yourself and forgive your mom, this, this has been killing you and I need you, Samantha wouldn’t want you to be…  I searched for the right word, to be a pale ghost.” 

“There is so much, I want to share with you…”  she said.

“I know, and there’s so much I want to know…”

Her face was coming alive like a piece of white paper being filled in with the most beautiful pastel paints. Her shoulders free from a secret burden, straightened with grace and resolve.

The sun shone through her bedroom window and created a cast of light around her that seemed to me the touch of God’s healing hand and love.

She pushed back the hair from my right eye…

“I have missed seeing your beautiful eyes…”  She said, beginning to smile.

“I didn’t think you noticed!” I said feeling shocked.

Just then, the front door opened and closed. 

“Pat!” We both exclaimed and began to break into peels of laughter and soon her eyes were smeared in black too from laughing so hard.

 And that only made us laugh more. We looked like twins now, mommy and baby goths.

By the time Pat found us, we were on the floor doubled over. Pat’s scowls only made us laugh harder. 

And that was a Sunday I will never forget, when the laughter pushed back against the power that had crippled my mom for so long and light broke against the darkness around her, filling her cheeks in with a most joyful flush of pink. 

Story #2

Theme: Drama In and Out Of the Lab

Words to include: microbiologist, telephone, hidden, bystander, trench, inside, international, shoe, heights, persuade

The Examination

The thunder outside made me jump and look at the clock. 9:30

pm on a Saturday. 

I really needed to wrap up my work but I wanted to do one last examination. 

As I examined the slide of bacteria, my mind wandered… I could see the new in ground pool I planned to have built for my boys. Maybe I would add a little waterfall. I could almost hear their giggles as I pictured them cannon balling into the waters. 

 Maybe the pool would be a perfect distraction to the absence of their father.
An image of him smiling warmly, our wedding day, kissing my head like he liked to do-flashed through my mind.

“I miss you Jack…” I sigh and turn my attention back to the slide.

The slide was everything now.

 But I could hardly shake the pain. Jack, my sweet husband.

   “Funny how this bacteria is going to change our lives…” I said to no one and checked the clock again. 

As I looked at the clock, the lab door opened and I screamed.

Somehow a man wearing a long black trench coat had figured out the door code and made it into my lab. 

There was no security working on the weekends and I was alone.

Frozen, I gripped the microscope, my only possible weapon.

 Disbelief, then fear washed over me, the same white hot fear I have of heights and my whole body tingled with dread.

How could this be?

He had brought the storm raging outside the lab windows with him. Rain dripped from every part of his clothing and thunder crashed wildly behind him as he made his way towards me.

Working as an international microbiologist for 10 years, I had met many fellow scientists but I could tell this man was no scientist. 

A violent looking neck tattoo of a snake, half hidden beneath his trench, slithered up his neck-it’s eyes looked almost alive.

“What do you want?” I screamed.

“You know what I want…”  the man said, continuing his walk towards me.

“Come any closer and I will hit the panic button, security will come, the alarm…”  

“Be quiet.” He demanded drawing closer to me.

“What do you want?”

“I want you to give me the bacteria.” He said continuing to advance.

“No, I won’t, I don’t even know who you are! I’ve been working on this bacteria for 5 years and for 5 years…”

He stood directly in front of me and drew a handgun, pointing it at my head.

“For 5 years, you have been plotting to give this bacteria to the Chinese government so they can mold it into a bio weapon. Who could resist a million dollar payoff? Apparently not you…

 For 5 years your husband pleaded with you not to but I wonder Kristen, did you listen to him? He is a good man and you pushed him away.”

I stand speechless.  The steel of the gun feels cold against my forehead.

My heart is pierced by his words. His words are truth and gun or no gun, I can’t escape the truth.

“Who are you?” I say, beginning to cry. 

“You’re tears won’t persuade me. Give me the slide…” He says.

I noticed his shoe. It’s a running shoe. I suddenly absurdly wonder if he is likes to run. I’ve run marathons my whole life…

“The slide…” He says as he watches me push it away from under the microscope.

“I’ve lost everything for this.” I say.

“You made a choice. We all have choices. Greed is never a good choice.”  He says taking the slide into his black leather gloved hand.

He walks to a sink and pulls a hammer from the pocket of his trench.

I watch him place the slide inside the sink and smash a million dollars, a million dreams.

He turns to me and smiles.

“That’s what you should have done with this idea when it was still just an idea. You see ideas turn into actions and  well actions sometimes need sometimes need to have a gun pulled on them and smashed with a hammer.”

I slowly back towards the wall and slide down it, never taking my eyes from him.

“You’ll thank me someday.” He says turning and walking towards the door.

I watch him walk away.

 I don’t try to scream.

 I don’t call 911.

I pull my cell-phone from my lab coat, hand shaking.

It’s been a year but he picks up the phone immediately.

“Kristen?” He asks sounding shocked.

I can’t speak. I can only shake.

“Kristen? Are you okay? What’s going on?” He asks sounding alarmed now.

“Jack…” I manage to whisper.

“Kristen, where are you? Are you at the lab?” Where are the kids?” 

“Jack, I’m so sorry… I was wrong, I love you…please forgive me.” I say as tears roll from my eyes.

His silence on the other end is more terrifying to me then the man and the gun combined.

“Please say something Jack…please…”

“Kristen, you were wrong to…”

“Listen to me Jack, do you believe in guardian angels? Because a man just came and destroyed what was destroying us for 5 years. It’s gone, it’s done and if you will forgive me-we can start over? Oh will you forgive Jack? Please will you?”

“Yes, Kristen, I will. I’ve never stopped loving you.”

“I love you too-please come home-the boys miss you but I miss you more…”

“I’m on my way.” He says and hangs up.

I stay sitting on the floor. Wondering if the man will reappear but I suddenly feel quite certain he won’t.

His job was to put me under a microscope and to get rid of the poison and now his job was done.


“I love you too Jack. Please, come to the lab. Please come home darling, the bacteria is destroyed. I won’t be going forward with the plan. We can start over now.”  I say this gripping the phone so tight my hand aches.

“I’m on my way Kristen… wait for me.”

We hang up and I watch as the lightening crashes outside the lab windows and I realize the stranger was right.

If I could, I would thank him with all my heart.

Always Enough

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

You never know what lessons in the Lord a day can bring…

I hastily jumped into my Lyft this morning making sure it was the right car but not checking the driver.

“Hello, how is your day going?” I asked beginning to scroll though my cell.

“Arwen.” The driver said in a deep voice.

I looked up startled.

I noticed the driver had taped a thick plastic all along the back for Covid protection. Where a person could usually see through to the driver, the plastic absolutely blocked any view of him it was so thick.

“Yes?” I asked. He had my attention.

“I love your voice.” He said simply as I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank you so much! I really appreciate that.” I said sincerely meaning what I said. It always makes me happy when my God given voice makes others happy.

“With a voice like that, you’ll always be young….” He said with a friendly chuckle.

” I suppose you are right!” I said feeling encouraged because just lately I haven’t been so excited about my age.

We proceeded to have a nice chat as I imagined what my invisible driver might look like… I pictured an older African American man, maybe a salt and pepper mustache?

Once we pulled up to my dental office, I fished through my backpack for my Ray Comfort tracts, found one and reached around the plastic.

“Hey, you were a blessing, hope you will read these!” I said handing the tract to him.

As I hop out of his car I look into the window and our eyes meet.

There is a satanic agenda at work in America, the media, the powers of darkness are trying with all of their might to create racial strife… but in that moment- a black man and a white woman waved happily to one another like little children.

I turn from the driver feeling grateful for our exchange and head inside to meet the dentist who wants to give me a dental implant.

He greets me with a smile and asks me about the weather. I am floored by his accent. He is a real life Englishman!

I learn he is from London and begin to ramble like the hopeless fan girl of all things English I am.

“Oh, my goodness!! London is my favorite place in the whole wide world!!” I exclaim watching as he grins.

“Oh, have you been?” He asks handing me the big white goggles I have to wear for the examine.

“No, I haven’t…” I admit suddenly growing quiet.

“”But how can it be your favorite place then?” He asks in all fairness.

“You have probably seen all of the English Netflix shows have you?”He asks kindly concluding the matter for me.

“Yes, that’s part of it!” I say deciding to let it go because how to explain my admiration and love for all things English. My dreams of having a honeymoon in the English country side etc. etc.

Oh, Lord- I wish you would send me an English husband- I would love him forever and ever.… I think as I gaze out the office window.

But you know what, it’s enough just to listen to this man’s accent. It’s not my time for a wedding ring.

For now, it’s just a dental bib.

We smile at one another and my English dentist begins what I thought would be impossibility- a dental implant! But God- How He does supply! God has given me dental insurance and not only that but a grant for a usually very pricey implant. Not only that, but the dentist mentions me taking part in a study which could if I am approved, further bring down the price!

After the appointment, I head to the grocery store and end up with two heavy bags of groceries. I walk them to the bus stop and have a sudden thought! The Indian store with the baskets of fresh samosa’s is a few blocks back.

Should I circle back just for the samosas?? Yes!

I pull up my hood to brace myself against the biting cold wind and head back the way I had just came.

A cozy mixture of curry and incense greets me as I enter the little Indian store.

I see them. Four golden samosas left.

“I’ll take two samosas.” The girl in front of me says to my surprise.

Oh no! I had planned to buy four.

My disappointment quickly turns to annoyance as a man budges in front of me and stands on his tippy toes to see the samosas. I feel too tired to object when the cashier asks whose next.

Just then a girl comes out from the back of the store carrying another basket full of samosas!

I feel foolish for being so pouty and thank God in my heart for His grace. He is always there, watching and providing for his children.

Back at the bus stop, I chew slowly on a samosa with a still numb mouth. I must look a bit strange. Hmmm… I think chewing…how many rides do I have left on my Septa Keycard, doing the math in my head…

A young mailman walks by me and we make awkward eye contact. The bus pulls up as I fumble to grab a hold of my bags. The mailman boards before me and turns and says: “I swiped you on.”

“Oh, wow! Thank you so much!” How kind of him I think.

He is standing next to the seat were I sit and once again I dig through my backpack for my Ray Comfort tracts.

“You were a blessing to me, so I want to bless you!” I say this handing him a tract.

“Oh, okay thanks…” the mailman says looking perplexed.

“Have you ever thought about where you will go when you die?” I ask.

“Uh-No, I haven’t really thought about it, I mean I guess I will be reencarnated.”

I don’t sense an open door with him but I am suddenly reminded how many people are walking around with no clue of eternity. But even this realization is another example of God supplying my every need. I needed to meet this man so I can pray for him.

He gave me a free bus ride but I determine to give him something much better- a spot on my prayer list.

Not that I am anything! I am just a little worm but God… God is faithful!! He is the one who makes my prayer list a thing of His glory.

And so my lessons for today show again and again that there will always be enough with God-for He knows how to perfectly provide all of our needs.

My Ode to President Donald J. Trump

The sun is setting outside my window, the sweet and strong orange cast will soon be replaced by the darkness of a long and cold winters night. My beloved President Trump, strong like the sunshine at noon and with skin of an orangish hue, is also fading away. I don’t mock at his skin tone, in fact I embraced it and I understood it. See, we all for the most part try our best to disguise our worst. For example, you will always find my hair pushed up into an Elaine from Seinfield like bump in the front. Why? Because I am trying my best to give the illusion of volume and disguise both a flat head and flat hair. So I don’t fault President Trump for trying his best to look vital and healthy with a fake tan and disguise his older age.

I remember the day my church played the video of President Trump wearing a casual white button down shirt and speaking to the nation to encourage us as he fought Coronavirus. Instead of trying to invoke fear and a feeling of hopelessness, he instead gave us hope and told us not to fear! I can not help but compare this to the constant fear mongering of Biden. Who in his own words warned of a, “long dark winter” That day as Trump spoke, tears welled up in my eyes and spilled down my face. I was so moved by Trumps encouragement despite him being sick. But despite how our media constantly tries to brainwash this country into believing Trump is a monster, incapable of feeling, guilty of every horrible thing- I don’t believe it. I never have and I never will.

I am certain Trump has fears. How can he not? He is under constant attack on every front. You as the reader are entitled as to what you think of him. In my opinion the reason the world hates him is because Trump is for the things of God and for country. And he isn’t for the coming global new world order.

I could go on and on about that last sentence alone. But for the sake of time, I won’t. In a nation that wants to make little children pick their own gender and in a world where we want to call one another by pronouns, a President who stands for old fashioned values, is not going to stand. He will be torn down by the media, by comedians, by Hollywood, etc. etc. And to the world he was ridiculous, a thing to be hated and mocked.

But my God is great and He uses things despised by this world to confound those who think they are so wise. God used Trump for so many good things… He used him to bring peace treaties in the middle east, he stepped over the North Korean border like a boss, he relocated the U.S Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he helped lessen regulations on small businesses and revived our economy, he got rid of the awful Obama mandate that forced the working class to pay up to $700 if they didn’t have health insurance.

I could go on.

As far as the Capitol Hill riots, it was no baseless conspiracy theory that lead Trump to say what he said that fateful day, nor was it the case of him being a giant sore loser as the media would have us to believe. There were many voting irregularities if you watch the trials. Rudy Gillani had them posted on his Youtube page at one point. I will always believe President Trump is our rightful President. His rallies alone were an example of how much support he has from the every day American Patriot.

But like a great king of old, he was stabbed in the back-betrayed and forcefully removed from his rightful throne. And wherever there are thrones, there are sure to be power hungry villains- or as we call them these days- the democratic party.

At the end of the day, my prayer is that all of this pain and heartache will humble Trump’s heart to turn to a King who can not and will not ever be overthrown-King Jesus! The traits I so admire in Trump-courage, self-sacrifice, wanting the best for the country, humor, intelligence- are all still flawed with sin and at best a reminder that we are all made in the image of God.

Jesus holds all of these traits yet without flaw.

As we head into a new administration that seems more Communist every day, I am again reminded our hope was never in a man-as the scripture says man is but a fading thing- Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be… Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow… Parts of Isaiah.

Our hope was never to be in President Trump. However I will always be grateful for his great sacrifice to try an turn this country around and it was an amazing experience to see a man who was truly for the people and who didn’t just care about lining his pockets. God Bless you President Trump! I sure will miss you.


But you are a choosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a particular people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; 1Peter 2:9

This grey November afternoon as I sip a coffee at Starbucks, my mind is set on a bright and beautiful subject and that is royalty. There is a show I really really love called: ‘The Last Kingdom’ it tells the story of King Alfred and his kingdom subjects, the Saxtons and the constant enemies of his lands-the Danes or Vikings. The actor David Dawson who plays King Alfred does a mesmerizing job as the at first reluctant and at times emotionally tormented King. ( I must warn, there are scenes that will need to be fast forwarded. Some Christians aren’t okay with that sort of thing and some are. )

For all his flaws one thing is certain about this king- He takes his duties to his realm with the utmost reverence. There is a scene- sickly and weak from some mysterious illness that has plagued him for most of his reign- He still manages to sit a top his horse and head out to battle. With a shaking hand he raises up his sword once more and you see his subjects kneel all around him. “Long live the king!” they shout. There is no doubt King Alfred has his people’s hearts in that moment.


Because he ruled well and wisely.

“The Greek word for kingdom in the New Testament is basileia, which ultimately means “authority” and “rule” A kingdom always includes three fundamental components: a ruler, a realm of subjects who fall under its rule, and rules or governances.” Excerpt from: Kingdom Single, by Tony Evans. Tony goes on to say: “Now you may not consider yourself a ruler. Certainly a crown doesn’t sit atop your head as it did Queen Elizabeth’s. But as we go through certain Scripture passages, you may be surprised to discover you have been uniquely empowered to rule over a a sphere of influence God has assigned to you.” Wow! And there we have it, the general idea on my heart today is today is

as born again Christians, we each have our own little unique kingdom assigned to us by God.

When I apply this to myself, as silly as it seems, I think of my 2 cats. How do I treat my little furry subjects? I think of my job as a nanny-the babies I help to care for and the parents I daily interact with. I think of the barista at the coffee shop who makes my coffee, the Uber drivers who take me here and there- am I kind to them? How do I carry myself and dress? As a royal princess of the Most High King of the Universe?

It’s helpful to remember this life is but a preparation for when we will rule and reign someday with King Jesus. I want to ride my horse valiantly on that sweet day, my born again character forged by the trials and tears of this life . So pick up your sword and shield and fight today for what God has so kindly given you to rule over.

Salty or Salt and Light?


” Ohhhh-Woah-woah-living life in the city-woah-woah-it will never be pretty…” The Lumineers

My alarm is set to the rooster crow sound-

cock a doodle do- cock a doodle do- do I want to get out of my warm and cozy bed??

The answer is no

But still I go… I have some precious time, before I am due at work..

I wake and place my cute new teapot on the stove and cut the pretty bright

yellow lemon

Next it’s time to pray

So much to say to the One who thought to give me this day…

Sipping hot lemon water, just me and you Jesus-

Go with me and help me to be a salt and a light

Because this city isn’t pretty.

Out into my neighborhood- I put my headphones in

and sing along to my lastest favorite song- Dua Lipa’s ‘Don’t Start Now’

My phone dings with texts and emails

Distracted I scroll and try to type and then I look up

a woman cursing into her phone,

A young skateboarder skating right towards me but he flips his board at the last minute

In an attempt to avoid him

I have stepped in a small pile of poop.

Shoe into the grass,

I’ve got to go!

Can’t let this make me walk slow.

Race underground and hop onto the sub

There is a seat next to a woman who could possibly be a man

they look so unhappy… I smile and compliment their nail polish and he/she looks up

They look absolutely miserable

And I think to myself, something horrible must have happened-maybe when they were a child

I fish through my backpack for a tract

hand it away and pray someday they will visit my church -I offer some kind of words of hope

The train suddenly stalls-we are stuck at 30th Street Station

I jump up and switch my music to Abba- the song, ‘SOS ‘to be exact and

Take the elevator to the wrong floor!

Darn, I wanted to be on the street but instead I

am back underground again.

So I to take the trolley to 13th and Market

Above ground, a cute guy with a clip board in his hand approaches me

Will I sign to get Bloomberg on the Democratic ticket?

No, I won’t because I like President Trump I say in a kind and gentle way,

I’m not looking for a fight

Ya, know I don’t mind him myself- the man says much to my surprise and

We both burst out laughing

As a homeless man staggers by us,

As  a car lays on their horn,

As constructions workers drill into the concrete

We are in this together

I think this as my bus approaches

Hey, says the man-your voice is cute!

I board the bus and say to him-

You are cute too by the way…

And I’m off.

Finally, I arrive in my beloved Olde City

In time to order my coffee and  yes Philadelphia isn’t always pretty

But I know I was born for this life in the city. 🙂